Why is my Car Shaking?

July 26th, 2018
Have you noticed your vehicle shaking lately? Believe it or not this is a common problem. Most cars shake for a variety of reasons including engine, steering, or brake issues. Your vehicle can also shake and vibrate because of wheel damage, uneven tread wear, tire balance issues, or neglected tire maintenances. We like to start with the simple fixes first. These tire and wheel issues are fast, easy, and affordable to fix! Reasons Your Car Shakes
If your vehicle is vibrating and shaking while you cruise down the road, you might be thinking of a dozen reasons why it is happening. What about wheel damage?
You may not even remember hitting a curb or speeding through a pothole but a variety of unnoticed scenarios can damage your wheels. Wheel damage is a leading cause of cabin ...[more]
  Posted in: Tires 101

What to do When Your Car Overheats

July 12th, 2018
It’s finally summer and this year it looks like it’s going to be a hot one. If you’re like me, I bet you have already planned your vacation or at least scheduled a weekend getaway. At this point, I have packed my bags and planned a few fun activities for the family. I’m a little worried about one thing… my rental car. You never know if routine maintenance has been performed. I’m driving over 1,000 miles and can only hope the engine doesn’t overheat.Engine Overheating Tips
I can’t control what kind of maintenance my rental car will have but we can all control what happens with our own vehicles. There are several things you can do to ensure your vehicle won’t overheat on a long road trip and since I’m nervous about my rental car, I want to know what to do if ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Basic Tire Maintenance

June 28th, 2018

A blown tire can ruin more than just your day. Tire trouble can cost you money, time, or even damage your vehicle. Sometimes there is no warning your tire is about to blow. Road debris can cause a sudden puncture and there won’t be much you can do, but most tire issues can be prevented with simple monitoring and maintenance.  Check out our list of basic tire maintenance below.

Tread Depth TestCheck Your Tire Pressure

The PSI of your tires varies depending on the type of tire you have and the type of driving you do. Your owner’s manual should contain a recommended PSI for your stock tires or you can check with the manufacturer of your current tire. Normally, PSI should be around 30 to 35. This means there is 30 to 35 pounds of pressure per square inch. All you nee ...[more]

  Posted in: Tires 101

Prepping a Summer Emergency Kit

June 14th, 2018

It’s time to gear up for road trip season! Whether you are headed to the coast, on a cross-country road trip, or you’re off to the grocery store to prepare for a “staycation” at home, it’s always a good idea to have your car prepped with an emergency kit. When it comes to your car, the unexpected is bound to happen. Good drivers know this, embrace it and are prepared for anything that’s thrown their way!

While you may not be able to prepare for all scenarios, there are a few good measures you can take to make sure if a break down occurs, you and your family are safe. A fully-stocked emergency kit is a simple way to prepare for the unexpected. While some articles recommend stocking your kit with every item under the sun, we are just going to cover a few key items which will help your situation be a bit more manageable.

Emergency Kit...[more]

  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

The Effect of Bigger Tires on Your Vehicle

May 31st, 2018

Big TiresBigger wheels and tires are a desirable upgrade for not only the off-road extremist but many everyday drivers as well. For example, you can go to Wal-Mart and count several SUVs in the parking lot with 20-inch rims because even “Glamma” wants to look cool. Tires can really make or break your vehicle in relevance to style and performance. Driving on bad tires can take a toll on your vehicle, and upgrading to new tires can make your vehicle drive like new again. When upgrading to bigger tires you also need to upgrade your rims. There are several benefits and disadvantages when considering an upgrade to tires or wheels.

If you are driving a truck, you may want to consider getting a lift kit. This would allow room for massive wheels and tires depending on how big of a lift you get. For ...[more]

  Tags: tips, auto facts, tire facts
  Posted in: Tires 101

Car Seat Safety Tips

May 10th, 2018

Your child’s safety in the car heavily relies on them having the appropriate car seat or booster seat properly installed. Even if you are an expert driver with a clear driving history, you can’t stop other drivers from making poor decisions on the road. Correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by 71%, but half of all booster and car seats are not properly installed. To avert a tragic incident, make sure your kids are properly positioned in the appropriate seating. Follow these tips to provide your child with the safest ride.

Car Seat SafetyUse the appropriate car or booster seat. One of the most common mistakes made is upgrading a child to a forward-facing car seat before they are ready. Your child should remain rear-facing until they are age 2 or when they ...[more]

  Tags: tips
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

History of the Modern Tire

April 26th, 2018

Whether it’s the price of gas, the people you spend time with, or the level of satisfaction you have with your job, one thing in life is certain, things change. It may not be a surprise your vehicle, the way it works, and how much it costs has changed significantly over the years. But have you ever thought about how much tires have changed?

Tire HistoryBefore air was introduced into tire designs, they were covered in wood, iron, solid rubber, and even leather. Although these weren’t the most shock absorbent materials, they provided durability and grip. It took many years to develop the tires we use today. Let’s look at tires and how they have progressed through the years.

The modern tire was patented in 1847 by Robert Thompson but had little success. At the time, consumers preferre ...[more]

  Tags: tires, tire technology
  Posted in: Tires 101

Diesel vs. Gasoline - Which is Better?

April 13th, 2018
Are you in the market for a new truck and trying to decide between a diesel or a gasoline engine? When it comes down to it, it is truly a driver preference. There is no clear “winner” between the two types of engines, but there certainly are some pros and cons to each. The type of truck best suited for you will depend heavily on your budget and what you will be using your truck for. Is your truck going to be your daily driver on your 40-mile commute, or will you regularly be using it to haul heavy equipment from point A to point B? Diesel Engine or Gasoline Engine?
Cost: It’s no secret a diesel-powered truck is going to cost you a bit more than the gasoline version…$5,045.00 more on average according to Forbes. Al ...[more]
  Tags: Engine Facts
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

What you Need to Know Before Buying New Tires

March 15th, 2018
I can think of several things I would rather buy, but it looks like a new set of tires is going to be at the top of the list. There are many factors to consider before making this investment. Here is a quick guide to finding, buying, and maintaining your new tires.

New Tire Shopping

Do you need new tires?  Take a close look at your tires and determine if you actually need new tires. Tread is the best place to look. You can measure the depth using an old penny or by looking at the tread wear indicators built into most tires. If your tread is worn down to less than 2/32 of an inch you need new tires.
Who to buy new tires from can be a challenge. One option is the car dealer, but they are often the most expensive. You will have better luck with a tire retailer or local auto shop. Always check for ...[more]
  Tags: tires, tire facts
  Posted in: Tires 101

What to do When Your Parking Brake is Stuck

March 15th, 2018
Have you ever gotten a little too excited using your parking brake? At some point, most of us pull up just a little too hard and get our brake lever jammed.  There are several situations that require a little extra braking power. Knowing when and how to use your brake will help you avoid sticky situations. 
When should I use my parking brake?
If you drive a manual transmission you might use your emergency brake every time you park your vehicle. You might even be using it when you are driving! Those of us with automatics might only use our e-brakes when we are parked on a hill. In reality, you should use your parking brake all the time! 

Stuck Parking Brake

When we park our vehicles it engages a device know ...[more]
  Tags: brakes, tips, Parking Brake
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101
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