The Effect of Bigger Tires on Your Vehicle

May 31st, 2018

Big TiresBigger wheels and tires are a desirable upgrade for not only the off-road extremist but many everyday drivers as well. For example, you can go to Wal-Mart and count several SUVs in the parking lot with 20-inch rims because even “Glamma” wants to look cool. Tires can really make or break your vehicle in relevance to style and performance. Driving on bad tires can take a toll on your vehicle, and upgrading to new tires can make your vehicle drive like new again. When upgrading to bigger tires you also need to upgrade your rims. There are several benefits and disadvantages when considering an upgrade to tires or wheels.

If you are driving a truck, you may want to consider getting a lift kit. This would allow room for massive wheels and tires depending on how big of a lift you get. For ...[more]

  Tags: tips, auto facts, tire facts
  Posted in: Tires 101

Car Seat Safety Tips

May 10th, 2018

Your child’s safety in the car heavily relies on them having the appropriate car seat or booster seat properly installed. Even if you are an expert driver with a clear driving history, you can’t stop other drivers from making poor decisions on the road. Correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by 71%, but half of all booster and car seats are not properly installed. To avert a tragic incident, make sure your kids are properly positioned in the appropriate seating. Follow these tips to provide your child with the safest ride.

Car Seat SafetyUse the appropriate car or booster seat. One of the most common mistakes made is upgrading a child to a forward-facing car seat before they are ready. Your child should remain rear-facing until they are age 2 or when they ...[more]

  Tags: tips
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101