Simple Vehicle Maintenance to Improve Fuel Economy

April 30th, 2014
With fluctuating fuel prices soaring higher each day, we will do almost anything to save money on transportation especially when it comes to conserving fuel.   However, traditional tips such as turning off the air conditioning and driving slowly are not the only ways to conserve gas mileage. In fact there are many simple, painless steps any vehicle owner can take to ensure their car is operating as efficiently as possible with minimal effort. Taking these steps to conserve gas mileage will not only save money, but also build healthy habits for your vehicle to ensure safety and maintain quality of the vehicle.
Be conscientious of your tire pressure. Most vehicle owners underestimate the importance of properly inflated tires.  When inflated properly, you can save nearly 4% on gas mileage. Under-inflated tires c ...[more]
  Posted in: Tires 101, Auto Repair 101

April: National Car Care Month

April 21st, 2014
April is National Car Care Month and there is no better time to break free from the chains of winter to start your journey to a dependable, road ready vehicle. Routine maintenance can seem overwhelming and with a never ending cycle of checks and replacements, sometimes it is hard to remember where one project ends and the next one begins. Knowledge is power and whether you are a mechanic or soccer mom every vehicle owner should have at least passing knowledge about their vehicle.
Allowing your vehicle to fall into disrepair during the winter months is nearly inevitable. Spending time working on a vehicle during an icy day is less likely than waking a hibernating bear and nearly as pleasant. Thus, when April is sprung upon us there is no better reason to go outside and enjoy the be ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101