Stay Ahead of Brake Repairs

September 30th, 2014


Staying current with brake inspection is imperative to avoid costly repairs or replacements. Most major malfunctions and repairs can be avoided with routine maintenance, coupled with driver awareness. Learn signs of needed brake repairs such as: noises, smells and other vehicle malfunctions. Through driver awareness of these symptoms, problems can be easily detected to prevent long-term damages. Use these following tips to detect early signs of needed brake repair and, when these signs appear, consult your auto repair specialist immediately.

Sound: Unfamiliar noises such as: squealing, rubbing, and screeching are typical symptoms of brake pad or brake shoe malfunction. Inspecting curious noises produced from brake systems should be addressed ...[more]

  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Invest in the Future of any Vehicle with TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

September 23rd, 2014

tire-pressure-tpmsAs most drivers can contest firsthand, tires are not invincible. Composed from many separate layers of steel-encased rubber fabrics and durable materials, tires eventually wear down and can cause vehicle owners costly repairs or even replacement. Understanding what measures should be taken to properly maintain tires will both lengthen tire life and support vehicle functionality and longevity. Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) introduce revolutionary tire protection technology to constantly report on tire pressure in each tire for vehicle safety and sustainability.

Without assistance from a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), tires become more susceptible to avoidable damages due to low tire pressure. In the United States, according to National Highway Tr ...[more]

  Posted in: Tires 101