5 Simple New Years Resolutions for Your Vehicle

January 14th, 2014
Resolutions For Your Vehicle
This year you might resolve to fix your house, work out more, eat healthier, or go for that goal you’ve had your eye on for years. This year should also be the year that you resolve to fix or maintain your vehicle, lower your repair costs, lower your gas usage, and add a few years onto your trusted vehicle. With a few simple resolutions, you can keep your vehicle as happy and healthy as you strive to be this year. 


This year, resolve to: 


  1. Keep up on your oil changes! Your seasonal (every 3 months or every 3,000 miles) oil changes are the best thing ...[more]
  Posted in: Tires 101, Auto Repair 101

4Tire.com just added 10 new warehouse across the U.S.A. with over a 1,000,000 tires now available, give us a call or email us, your Tires and Shipping could be at a lower cost. 1.800.489.4847

January 12th, 2014
4Tire.com just added 10 new warehouse across the U.S.A. with over a 1,000,000 TIRES now available, give us a call or email us, your Tires and Shipping could be at a lower cost. 1.800.489.4847
  Tags: New Warehouses
  Posted in: Tires 101