The Effect of Bigger Tires on Your Vehicle

May 31st, 2018

Big TiresBigger wheels and tires are a desirable upgrade for not only the off-road extremist but many everyday drivers as well. For example, you can go to Wal-Mart and count several SUVs in the parking lot with 20-inch rims because even “Glamma” wants to look cool. Tires can really make or break your vehicle in relevance to style and performance. Driving on bad tires can take a toll on your vehicle, and upgrading to new tires can make your vehicle drive like new again. When upgrading to bigger tires you also need to upgrade your rims. There are several benefits and disadvantages when considering an upgrade to tires or wheels.

If you are driving a truck, you may want to consider getting a lift kit. This would allow room for massive wheels and tires depending on how big of a lift you get. For ...[more]

  Tags: tips, auto facts, tire facts
  Posted in: Tires 101

Top 10 Things to Check When Buying a Used Car

September 28th, 2017

Buying a used car can be a great experience or a complete nightmare, depending on what you know when you sign on the bottom line or hand over your hard-earned cash to the seller.  While most used car establishments are reputable, there are still some that will be happy to sell you a little less car than you bargain for.  As a matter of fact, some dealers and individual sellers simply don't know the history or the problems with a car when they offer it to you.

Check these ten important things before you agree to buy a used for buying a used car

1. The Oil Dipstick - You can tell a lot about an engine and a car owner from the dipstick.  Pull it out, wipe it off and put it back, then carefully pull it again.  Note the oil level.  If it is over ...[more]

  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Get Your Car Drive-In Ready

July 27th, 2017

Summer is a great time to head to the movies and what could be more American than heading to the local drive-in to take in a movie while enjoying a piece of classic Americana?  But don't head to the drive-in unprepared.  Follow these quick tips to make the most of your viewing experience.Drive-in prep

1. Check Your Battery - Drive-in theaters these days pipe the audio through your car stereo and you won't be able to leave your engine running for a two hour plus cinematic experience.  Your battery will be doing the heavy lifting during the show, so make sure it is in good shape and holds a full charge so you won't miss any of the film or fail to start when the show is over.  Throw a good set of jumper cables in the trunk just in case.

2. Stereo Upgrade - Every new movie fe ...[more]

  Tags: tips, auto facts
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

So You Think Some Traffic Laws Are Nuts?

December 29th, 2016

Yes, there are plenty of traffic laws in certain areas that don’t make much sense. Here, though, we present a collection of traffic laws from other parts of the world that are just bizarre:

--In Thailand, the law states that no driver, male or female, shall ever drive without a shirt.Weird Traffic Laws

--In South Africa, “the driver of a vehicle on a public road shall stop such vehicle at the request or on the signal of a person leading or driving any bovine animal, horse, ass, mule, sheep, goat, pig, or ostrich on such road.” Or face a $500 fine.

--Splashing a pedestrian with water is illegal in Japan.

--In Montana, you can forget about driving with a sheep in the truck unless the sheep has a chaperone... and the state of Alabama had the presence of min ...[more]

  Tags: tips, auto facts
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101