How to Find the Perfect Tire for Your Ride

July 6th, 2017

Head into the showroom at any tire retailer and you will find a dizzying array of tire types, sizes, tread patterns and other variables that can have you turning right back around and heading the other way.  The good news is a step-by-step approach to choosing the right tires for your car, truck or SUV with a little knowledge can make the process much simpler and give you great results.

The type of tire you need depends on what kind of vehicle you have, your driving style and the type of weather you must cope with in your area.Types of tires

All Season Tires - Sometimes called Touring Tires, All Season Tires deliver good performance, handling and ride quality on dry, wet and moderately snowy roads. This is the most popular tire type and can be found on most four door sedans, ...[more]

  Posted in: Tires 101

What Tires Are Right For Your Truck?

May 11th, 2017

So you’re in need of a set of tires for your truck? No problem! The question is, though, what kind of tires are going to be best?Truck Tires

First, you’ll need to think about what you use that truck for. Will you regularly be hauling heavy loads or pulling a trailer? Do you expect to keep it on the pavement for the most part, or will you occasionally go off-road? If you go off-road, will it be on soft dirt or will you be plowing through brush, mud, and rocks? And finally…what’s your budget?

If you’re wanting to keep it on the pavement most of the time and your truck is a daily driver for errands, school, soccer, and grocery runs, all-season tires are probably the right choice. All-season light truck tires can rival the best passenger tires when it comes to noise level, ...[more]

  Tags: tires, truck tires
  Posted in: Tires 101