Why is my Car Shaking?

July 26th, 2018
Have you noticed your vehicle shaking lately? Believe it or not this is a common problem. Most cars shake for a variety of reasons including engine, steering, or brake issues. Your vehicle can also shake and vibrate because of wheel damage, uneven tread wear, tire balance issues, or neglected tire maintenances. We like to start with the simple fixes first. These tire and wheel issues are fast, easy, and affordable to fix! Reasons Your Car Shakes
If your vehicle is vibrating and shaking while you cruise down the road, you might be thinking of a dozen reasons why it is happening. What about wheel damage?
You may not even remember hitting a curb or speeding through a pothole but a variety of unnoticed scenarios can damage your wheels. Wheel damage is a leading cause of cabin ...[more]
  Posted in: Tires 101

What to do When Your Car Overheats

July 12th, 2018
It’s finally summer and this year it looks like it’s going to be a hot one. If you’re like me, I bet you have already planned your vacation or at least scheduled a weekend getaway. At this point, I have packed my bags and planned a few fun activities for the family. I’m a little worried about one thing… my rental car. You never know if routine maintenance has been performed. I’m driving over 1,000 miles and can only hope the engine doesn’t overheat.Engine Overheating Tips
I can’t control what kind of maintenance my rental car will have but we can all control what happens with our own vehicles. There are several things you can do to ensure your vehicle won’t overheat on a long road trip and since I’m nervous about my rental car, I want to know what to do if ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101