Is it Time for a Tire Rotation?

August 28th, 2014

Tire rotation is an easy maintenance item that has long term benefits for any vehicle. When properly maintained, tire rotations can improve fuel economy, extend tire life and provide drivers better handling through improved stability. Frequently servicing vehicles with tire rotations is imperative to sustaining tire tread by ensuring all tires are used evenly without excessive wear to one section or another.

Normal tread wear is unavoidable due to uneven vehicle weight dispersal, vehicle performance, etc. Without tire rotations, tires continue to wear on the same areas over and over, causing irreversible damage to tire tread which drastically decreases tire life. Engine weight accounts for a major portion of vehicle weight, causing front tires to wear significantly faster than back tires. Front tires ...[more]

  Posted in: Tires 101

Back-to-School Car Maintenance Checklist

August 14th, 2014
As summer quickly comes to a close, fall is right around the corner!  And with fall comes several items that need to be on the “back-to-school check list” to help students prepare for their upcoming school year.  
Completing a car maintenance checklist is imperative to both student safety and mobility.  It also underlines the importance of auto repair and tire service to maintain properly serviced vehicles. Use this simple back-to school checklist for tips to ensure auto repair and tire conditions are suitable for school travel this fall. 
Spark Plugs: Checking spark plugs is an easy inspection that can prevent an inconvenient vehicle failure. Soiled or damaged plugs could leave you stranded ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101