Preparing for Summer Holiday Travel

May 22nd, 2014
Before you hit the road this summer let us assist you in making yourself aware of a few important inspections and checks you can make to prepare yourself for those long, hot road trips. With a quick pre-trip vehicle check-up it is easy to determine how road-ready a vehicle is before experiencing problems on vacation or during travels. Conducting a vehicle inspection before leaving will help to avoid troublesome repairs and prevent potential safety hazards that result from a break down far from home. While some complications are not foreseeable, using the upmost caution and preparation will help to protect your vehicle and its occupants. 
Always schedule a tune-up before major trips as even a minor appointment with a mechanic could reveal a potential issue you did not detect or notice from driving. Tu ...[more]
  Posted in: Tires 101, Auto Repair 101

Do You Have Good Brakes?

February 28th, 2014
There are some things on your vehicle that you should have confidence in and never worry about. Is everyone buckled up? Do I have a full tank of gas? Your vehicle should make you feel safe and secure, and keep you and your loved ones safe throughout your travel. It goes then, without much, saying that you also need to be confident in your brakes. This function is the one thing keeping you out of harm’s way in the event of an accident or road hazard. Think about it, you do not want to find out in the middle of a busy highway when everyone has slammed on their brakes that yours have not been properly maintained or are failing. Knowing that your brakes are in great condition will keep you safe, and prevent a leading cause for many accidents on the road. 
There are several chec ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101
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