April: National Car Care Month

April 21st, 2014
April is National Car Care Month and there is no better time to break free from the chains of winter to start your journey to a dependable, road ready vehicle. Routine maintenance can seem overwhelming and with a never ending cycle of checks and replacements, sometimes it is hard to remember where one project ends and the next one begins. Knowledge is power and whether you are a mechanic or soccer mom every vehicle owner should have at least passing knowledge about their vehicle.
Allowing your vehicle to fall into disrepair during the winter months is nearly inevitable. Spending time working on a vehicle during an icy day is less likely than waking a hibernating bear and nearly as pleasant. Thus, when April is sprung upon us there is no better reason to go outside and enjoy the be ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

How Do Potholes Damage Your Vehicle?

March 13th, 2014
It’s peak pothole season out there and no one is immune to their sneaky destruction. We’ve all hit them at some point, and every time it happens, you see it only a second before it gets you, often too late to miss it. These little road hazards lay in wait, with their dips, bumps, and sharp toothy edges, just waiting to ruin your day. They can cause a sudden jolt all the way up to a blown tire.  And, I hate to report, they aren’t disappearing any time soon. Potholes are every tire’s sworn enemies. Many of us are passionate about potholes, as we have personally sacrificed many hubcaps to them over the years. 
The way that potholes work is that roads will freeze and thaw causing erosion of the dirt beneath the pavement.  This weakens the asphalt in the process. A ...[more]
  Posted in: Tires 101
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