Benefits of a Clean Auto Air Filter

March 26th, 2020
Did you know that changing your air filter can increase your car's fuel efficiency and prolong its engine life? The air filter's job is to deliver 10,000 gallons of clean air to the engine for every gallon of gas burned to enter the engine. Though it's only one small component among the many that make your car run, the air filter plays a big role in how your car runs and how long it runs. Automotive Air filters
Car engines need an equal amount of fuel and clean air in order to run efficiently and smoothly. To make sure that your engine receives only the cleanest air and prevents damage from small dirt and particles, air filters for cars are installed.

The major benefits of keeping your auto air filter clean are: 

Better Fuel Economy &mda ...[more]

  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

What to Do After a Car Accident

February 13th, 2020
Staying safe on the road is every driver’s priority. This is why we get our cars repaired the moment we think that a problem exists. It's for the safety of everyone that there are so many laws in place that drivers need to follow. We all love the ability to drive to get where we want to. But we also need to take care of ourselves and other people on the road.Auto Accident Checklist
While you may be the most careful driver out there, mistakes happen, and bad drivers can happen too. Automotive accidents are extremely unexpected and can happen to anyone, no matter how careful they are. Car crashes are violent and scary, and if you’re ever in one, you might not know what exactly to do. This is why we’ve prepared an auto accident checklist to help you get through those ...[more]
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Tips for Winterizing Your Vehicle

November 14th, 2019
Winter is on the way. It’s time to get your vehicle winter-ready. Winterizing your vehicle is necessary to keep your vehicle performing its best during the cold months. Your vehicle’s safety is important during winter conditions, especially if you must drive on icy or snowy roads. There are several things you can do to ensure your car operates successfully throughout the winter months as well as maximize your car’s ability to keep you and your family safe should a winter weather problem occur. Winter Driving Maintenance

Here are some car care tips to give you peace of mind during winter driving:

  • Cold weather slows down your battery power. During the cold weather, your engine requires more current from the battery in order to start the engine. Have a mechanic check your battery ...[more]
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Used Car Pre-Purchase Checklist

August 15th, 2019
If you’re considering buying a used car, your mind is probably whirling with all the possible unseen problems and damage you could be missing. Not to worry though! We’ve put together a quick checklist to help you ensure you don’t have any surprises pop up after the money has been spent. Car Buying Tips

Follow these quick guidelines the next time you’re out buying a used car: 


Step 1 - Do Your Research!

The first step in buying any car is the research before you ever go look at the vehicle in person. If you have a type, make, or model of the vehicle you’re looking for, start there. You will want to look for common issues with the model you’re pursuing. Different types of vehicle ...[more]
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Summer Road Trip Tips

May 30th, 2019
The days are getting longer, school is out, and summer is almost here! The rising temperatures have a lot of people itching to hop into their car and head to a body of water or hiking trail. Summer vacations are a time to unplug, relax and have fun with your family and friends. They do, however, require a bit of preparation beforehand. If you are foregoing the airport in favor of a road trip, it’s important to give your vehicle a little TLC before hitting the road to ensure a safe, smooth trip. Nothing can put a damper on a summer road trip quite like vehicle trouble. Before heading out, it’s a good rule of thumb to do a quick check – and service if necessary – of some items on your vehicle. Summer Road Trip Tips
Your tires are the only part of your vehicle that come in direct contact with ...[more]
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Why You Shouldn’t Drive on an Empty Gas Tank

March 14th, 2019
You’ve probably been told at some point in your driving career to not drive your car while the gas tank is on empty, but did you know why that is? This recommendation is more than just an old wives’ tale—you can damage your car by ignoring that gas light for too long.Driving with no Gas
First, you should understand what your fuel light indicator really means. When you hear the familiar “ding” that accompanies your fuel light, your fuel tank has reached “reserve” levels, or around 10-15% capacity. It is possible to calculate how long that will last using your car’s average range, but we would advise against it, just to be safe. Avoid doing the math if you know you are the type of person to risk it and drive on empty anyway.
One reason it ...[more]
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

How Potholes Can Damage Your Car

February 28th, 2019
Most of us have been taught to avoid potholes while driving. It was probably one of the very first things we learned behind the wheel! Although most us know driving over potholes is bad for our vehicles, very few know exactly why that is. These are the parts of your vehicle you should be worried about if you accidentally drive over a pothole:
Steering SystemAuto Repair & Potholes
If you hit a pothole, you risk misaligning your steering system. If you have noticed your vehicle pulling to the left or right while you are trying to steer straight, you could have a misaligned steering system. Other signs include uneven tire wear, squealing tires, or a crooked steering wheel while driving straight.
  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Auto Repair Jargon You Should Know

February 14th, 2019
Unless you consider yourself a car enthusiast, you may find yourself feeling a bit lost when having conversations with your mechanic. At times, it can feel like you are speaking to someone using a different language with words like “grease monkey,” “kickdown,” and “oversquare” whizzing past your head like dodgeballs. Hopefully, this list of common auto repair terms will help your next conversation with your mechanic go a bit more seamlessly:Auto Mechanic Terms
  • Aftermarket – This term applies to parts which are not made by the original manufacturer. The best aftermarket parts will meet or exceed the quality of the original parts in your vehicle.
  • Hesitation – “Hesitation” refers to the lack of response which occurs when you first accele ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Test Drive Checklist

September 13th, 2018
In the hopes of finding the perfect used vehicle, you have researched, pulled history reports, and compared a dozen different vehicle makes and models. You have put a lot of time and effort into finding the right vehicle. Don’t let your excitement cost you down the road. A used car can save you money, but only if you buy the right one.
Test Drive Checklist
The right used vehicle will be one which appeals to you, has a clean history report, and doesn’t need expensive repairs. It can be difficult to tell if a vehicle is in good shape. The best thing to do, is test drive your potential new car and watch for the following signs.
Slow acceleration is one of the first things you might notice while test driving. This can be caused by several things. The mos ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

How To Maintain A New Car

May 25th, 2017

So you got a new set of wheels – congratulations! You’re going to want to hang onto it as long as possible, so you’ll want to keep it maintained as well as you Car Maintenancecan. Here are some suggestions:

First, read the owner’s manual carefully and stick to manufacturer’s recommendations for service intervals. There are certain things that are critical enough that failure to adhere to recommendations can void a new car warranty. Don’t let that happen!

For instance, just about every manufacturer recommends synthetic oil for their engines; it provides better protection in just about every respect, and it’s more stable at high and low temperatures. If your owner’s manual prescribes a 10,000-mile oil change, stick with that and be sure to use the bra ...[more]

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