Social Distancing Behind the Wheel

August 13th, 2020
Your vehicle is a good way to maintain social distance compared to taking the bus, train or a taxi. If you are traveling in a vehicle with other people, you can still ensure that social distancing is being practiced by sitting at the far opposite side of the car (2m or 6 feet separation). You also need to consider how many people are in the cab, perhaps using a larger vehicle to provide more distance between occupants and always ensure good ventilation by keeping windows open where possible.
Social distancing simply means keeping a safe distance away from other people and includes measures such as not shaking hands and staying about 6 feet away from other people. In your vehicle, staying 6 feet apart is difficult, but there are other preventative measures you can take.  There should also be routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched objects and surfaces such as door handles, steering wheels, and controls. Of course wearing ...[more]
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How to Safely Sanitize Your Vehicle

July 31st, 2020
Germs and dirty surfaces can make you cringe on the thought of touching or sitting in an area filled with it. Well, fun fact, your car probably isn’t the pristine haven you think it is. According to studies, the average steering wheel is four times dirtier than a public toilet seat. Then they are all the other frequently touched areas in your cars such as the cup holder, seat belts, and door handles, and touch pads; they can’t be too much cleaner. Now more than ever, it seems timely to offer some tips on how to safely sanitize your vehicle.  automotive-sanitation
Sanitizing your car is different than giving it a good spring cleaning. It’s essential to keep germs and viruses off the parts of your car you touch the most. We’ve all been doing a lot of washing and cleaning lately, and c ...[more]
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How Does a Car’s Muffler Work?

June 11th, 2020
Your vehicle’s engine produces small explosions of harmful emissions which come from the combustion chamber. These explosions produce dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. For safety, these dangerous gases are dispersed away from your vehicle’s cabin using an exhaust system, which the muffler is a key component of. To explain how the muffler works, we need to know the different components of the muffler. 

There are four sections in an automobile’s muffler: Muffler Fact and Repair

  • Inlet — The inlet attaches from the exhaust system. Exhaust gases and sound enters the inlet from the exhaust system. 
  • Resonator — The resonator acts as an echo chamber by reducing the overall noise volume of ...[more]
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What to Do About a Cracked Windshield

May 28th, 2020
Damage to your windshield happens unexpectedly. The windshield is an important safety device of your vehicle, with its main function being to protect passengers as well as ensure the airbags properly do their job of protecting the vehicle occupants. A small chip on your windshield can turn into a crack across the entire length of the surface and require windshield replacement if not repaired quickly. Your windshield is there to help protect you from outside elements coming into the vehicle and also provides up to 60% of structural support to your vehicle.  Windshield Repair
When your windshield is damaged, it compromises your vision when driving and can cause an accident. Not only is having a cracked windshield dangerous, it is also against the law in most states. The laws in different states are differen ...[more]
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How to Know You Need a Wheel Alignment

April 16th, 2020
Wheel alignment is the process of adjusting the angles of the wheels on your vehicle to the specifications of your vehicle manufacturer. When your vehicle was built, the wheels were perfectly positioned to the manufacturer’s ideal specifications, but over time your vehicle loses its alignment. Misalignment issues can lead to serious safety and performance issues and costly repairs. A wheel alignment service will optimize the various angles of your wheels to each other, and to the road. Wheel Alignments
Aligning your wheels requires the vehicle to be placed on a wheel alignment machine. This machine uses specific measurements to allow the technician to set and adjust the suspension components back to the factory specifications. The common alignment angles are camber, caster, and toe. These angles become misal ...[more]
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Benefits of a Clean Auto Air Filter

March 26th, 2020
Did you know that changing your air filter can increase your car's fuel efficiency and prolong its engine life? The air filter's job is to deliver 10,000 gallons of clean air to the engine for every gallon of gas burned to enter the engine. Though it's only one small component among the many that make your car run, the air filter plays a big role in how your car runs and how long it runs. Automotive Air filters
Car engines need an equal amount of fuel and clean air in order to run efficiently and smoothly. To make sure that your engine receives only the cleanest air and prevents damage from small dirt and particles, air filters for cars are installed.

The major benefits of keeping your auto air filter clean are: 

Better Fuel Economy &mda ...[more]

  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

What to Do After a Car Accident

February 13th, 2020
Staying safe on the road is every driver’s priority. This is why we get our cars repaired the moment we think that a problem exists. It's for the safety of everyone that there are so many laws in place that drivers need to follow. We all love the ability to drive to get where we want to. But we also need to take care of ourselves and other people on the road.Auto Accident Checklist
While you may be the most careful driver out there, mistakes happen, and bad drivers can happen too. Automotive accidents are extremely unexpected and can happen to anyone, no matter how careful they are. Car crashes are violent and scary, and if you’re ever in one, you might not know what exactly to do. This is why we’ve prepared an auto accident checklist to help you get through those ...[more]
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5 Common Power Steering Problems

January 16th, 2020
In order to reduce the need for effort from the driver to steer the vehicle, engines incorporate a system referred to as “power steering.” This is a hydraulic system which uses power steering fluid to build pressure which is then used to change the direction of the wheels. This means you don’t need to arm wrestle with your steering wheel when trying to take a turn.Common Power Steering Problems
When your car’s power steering system begins to fail — or the fluid needs to be replaced — it can make it much harder to control around curves and corners. There are a few problems which can cause this issue. Here are some common problems associated with the failure of your power steering system.
Leaking Power Steering Fluid ...[more]
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Conventional vs. Synthetic Motor Oil

December 12th, 2019
When you go to purchased motor oil from your local auto store, do you know what you’re really paying for? When a service attendant asks you synthetic or regular, do you know the difference? If these situations leave you feeling unsure, let’s examine your options so next time you can make an informed decision. Types of Engine Oil

What Are the Advantages of Synthetic Oil Over Conventional Oil?

First off, synthetic oil is better than conventional oil. Synthetic motor oil uses a higher quality base oil as compared to the less-refined base oil used in conventional oils. Full synthetic oil provides better engine performance and protection than conventional motor oils and they are specially formulated to provide additional performance benefits. Conventional oil — when compared ...[more]
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Tips for Winterizing Your Vehicle

November 14th, 2019
Winter is on the way. It’s time to get your vehicle winter-ready. Winterizing your vehicle is necessary to keep your vehicle performing its best during the cold months. Your vehicle’s safety is important during winter conditions, especially if you must drive on icy or snowy roads. There are several things you can do to ensure your car operates successfully throughout the winter months as well as maximize your car’s ability to keep you and your family safe should a winter weather problem occur. Winter Driving Maintenance

Here are some car care tips to give you peace of mind during winter driving:

  • Cold weather slows down your battery power. During the cold weather, your engine requires more current from the battery in order to start the engine. Have a mechanic check your battery ...[more]
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